Wednesday, October 19, 2016

{Cook Book Review} Nourishing Meals

Title: Nourishing Meals
My Rating: 4 Stars

I am pretty happy with this cookbook!  My mom already made a recipe - chicken nuggets! We didn't have all the "whole" ingredients so we made some substitutions. The recipe turned out great! I can't wait to try more recipes from this book that are (hopefully) healthy, delicious, and satisfying for my future family.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Home Cooked {Cookbook Review}

I didn't really care for this cookbook. It just wasn't my "type" I guess. The photography was great, but I didn't see any recipes that I REALLY wanted to make, and many of the ingredients were things I never even heard of and would have know idea where to get. I guess this cookbook just didn't meet my original expectations.... that's all.